
Arbitration Department of NCC Parajeles, National and International.
The Arbitration Department of the NCC Parajeles Law Firm handles both National and International arbitration disputes. We are dedicated to offering effective and strategic solutions to resolve commercial and civil disputes through alternative dispute resolution methods, always seeking viable and effective solutions for our clients.

Our Services
Our Services National and International Arbitration: We have a team of internal and external lawyers highly trained in various areas of law, capable of advising and representing our clients in arbitration proceedings before the main arbitration centers in our country. Likewise, we have internationally renowned arbitrators who are also recognized litigators in international processes.

Areas of Professional Action in Arbitration Matters:

  • Contract Law: Resolution of conflicts related to commercial contracts, service agreements, and sales contracts.
  • Corporate Law: Resolution of disputes among partners, litigation related to the structure and operation of companies and societies.
  • Real Rights and Real Estate Law: Arbitration in conflicts over property rights, possession, easements, and other aspects related to real estate.
  • Condominium Property Law: Resolution of disputes among condominium owners, administrators, and property associations.
  • Family Law: Arbitration in divorce matters, marital property, and other aspects related to family law.
  • Public Law, Administrative Contracts, and Public Works: Resolution of disputes between public and private entities in administrative contracts and public works.
  • Trademark Law: Resolution of conflicts related to trademarks, trade names, and other intellectual property rights.
  • National and International Transportation: Arbitration in commercial and civil disputes related to land, maritime, and air transport, both nationally and internationally.
  • International Arbitration: Representation in international arbitrations under international treaties and recognized arbitration rules globally.
  • Competition Law: Resolution of disputes concerning unfair competition, restrictive practices, and abuse of dominant position.
  • Consumer Law: Arbitration in disputes between consumers and companies, ensuring compliance with consumer rights.
  • Succession Arbitration: Resolution of succession disputes among heirs, testamentary heirs, and legatees.
  • Copyright Law: Resolution of conflicts related to the protection and exploitation of literary, artistic, and scientific works.
  • Labor Law: Arbitration in labor disputes between employers and employees, including dismissals, compensations, and working conditions.
  • Sports Law: Resolution of disputes in the sports field, including player contracts, sponsorships, and disciplinary litigation.
  • Construction Arbitration: Resolution of disputes in construction contracts, subcontracting, and project execution.
  • Investment Arbitration: Representation in disputes between investors and states, under bilateral investment treaties and international norms.

Our team of internal and external lawyers is highly trained in the mentioned areas and is supported by an interdisciplinary team to handle complex litigation in our areas of practice.

At NCC Parajeles, we are committed to excellence in conflict resolution and the defense of our clients’ interests, making this vision a guiding principle to strive for the best results in the matters entrusted to the firm.


  • Contract Law
  • Corporate Law
  • Real Rights and Real Estate Law
  • Condominium Property Law
  • Family Law
  • Public Law, Administrative Contracts, and Public Works Trademark Law
  • National and International Transportation
  • International Arbitration
  • Competition Law
  • Consumer Law
  • Succession Arbitration
  • Copyright Law
  • Labor Law
  • Sports Law
  • Construction Arbitration
  • Investment Arbitration