Notwithstanding the provisions established in treaties, international conventions to which Costa Rica is a party, ordinary domestic legislation, regulations, general principles of law, customs, and practices, the following are fundamental and inalienable rights of the consumer:

a) Protection against risks that may affect their health, safety, and the environment.

b) Protection of their legitimate economic and social interests.

c) Access to truthful and timely information about different goods and services, with correct specification of quantity, characteristics, composition, quality, and price.

d) Education and dissemination regarding the appropriate consumption of goods or services, ensuring freedom of choice and equality in contracting.

Abusive clauses, as well as unfair commercial practices or those that restrict free choice.

f) Effective mechanisms for access to administrative and judicial protection of their rights and legitimate interests, which lead to properly preventing, sanctioning, and promptly repairing any injury to these rights, as appropriate.

g) Receive support from the State to form consumer groups and organizations and the opportunity for their opinions to be heard in decision-making processes that affect them.

Professionals from our firm have had extensive involvement in consumer law issues. Two of our lawyers have served as judges in the entity that regulates consumer matters in Costa Rica, advising our clients on consumer issues and possessing ample experience in consumer litigation.
