Lindsay Madrigal





Lindsay Madrigal Alfaro

Attorney Lindsay Madrigal is a dynamic individual with a strong business vision, teamwork, and a customer service-oriented mindset. Lindsay has been part of our team since 2005, when she began her studies at the Faculty of Law at the University of Costa Rica. She completed her studies there and joined the Costa Rican Bar Association in 2011, becoming an Associate Attorney at NCC Abogados. Since then, she has worked in various areas of law, including litigation, labor, commercial, and civil law. In 2012, she pursued her Master’s in Business Law at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She was in charge of our firm’s Commercial Department from 2013 to 2015. From 2015 to 2017, she worked as an analyst for the State of Louisiana in the United States, in the Office of Alcohol and Tobacco Control.

Master’s in Business Law, Autonomous University of Barcelona, 2013.
Bachelor’s in Law, University of Costa Rica, 2011.


She currently collaborates from Houston, USA, as an international associate, serving as an ideal point of connection for our international clients and a strategic expansion point for our local clients. As part of our firm’s commitment to providing our clients with the international versatility their business needs, we work comprehensively, combining knowledge and experience to offer the best advice from our various points through our correspondent network, trusting in Lindsay’s expertise and professionalism in the International Area.

Spanish, English, Italian, and basic Hebrew
