



Gerardo Parajeles Vindas

A litigating attorney graduated from the University of Costa Rica (1986).

Dr. Gerardo Parajeles has been recognized as a passionate and renowned scholar of Law since the beginning of his professional practice. His dedication to this noble social task encompasses every area of law a professional could aspire to: 30 years of service in the Judiciary as a Civil Judge, 28 years as a University Professor, author of various legal works, and a prominent member involved in drafting significant legal reforms in Costa Rica, such as the new Civil Procedural Code.

Dr. Parajeles stands out as one of the leading trainers of lawyers in Costa Rica. After retiring from the Judiciary, he practices law at NCC Parajeles with great enthusiasm and leadership, always serving his clients and numerous lawyers from across the country who constantly seek his services for handling complex civil and commercial litigations.

He serves as the director and leader of the Civil and Commercial Litigation Department of the firm and trains the entire team of lawyers and students in our firm.

During his 30 years of service within the Costa Rican Judiciary, he held various positions in civil matters. He served as a First Instance Judge, Appellate Judge (second instance), and Substitute Magistrate of the First Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice. His main tasks as a judge included making decisions on declarative processes, collection processes, successions, interdicts, evictions, enforcement of judgments, and other civil claims. (1982-2012).

As a university professor, he has been a standout figure for many years in the Bachelor’s program at the Escuela Libre de Derecho University, where he has taught courses in General Theory of Process, Law of Obligations, Civil Procedural Law, and Succession Law. Additionally, he is part of the Doctorate program in Law at that university and trains Judges in postgraduate studies on Civil Justice Administration, where he addresses topics such as procedural abuse, means of challenging procedural acts, general theory of evidence, and the impact of collection processes (1988 to date).

He trains litigators and judicial officials. One of his favorite activities is interacting with colleagues in courses and workshops on legal updates, commenting, discussing, analyzing, and delving into relevant topics for the Costa Rican and international legal community, which is of utmost importance for progress and personal and professional development. He has trained legal professionals for the Costa Rican Bar Association, Cartularium companies, and the International Studies Center. (1990 to date).

As an author of legal works and Costa Rican regulations, Dr. Parajeles is recognized for multiple publications on topics of Civil and Commercial Law. Among other works, he has published: The Civil Process and its Basic Processing, Course of Civil Procedural Law volumes I and II, Topics of Civil Procedural Law, Prescription in Collection Processes, Orality and the Modern Bolivian Civil Process, Evidence in Civil Matters, The Auction in Costa Rican Jurisprudence, Procedural Abuse, Thematic Guide for the Application of the Civil Procedural Code, Civil Code, and Civil Procedural Code.

Since the beginning of his professional career, he has had a significant role as a drafter of legal reforms of vital importance for the Administration of Justice in Costa Rica, and has been, on his own initiative, a proponent of new laws such as the Law of Judicial Notifications and the Law of Judicial Collection, among others. He recently participated as a member of the Drafting Committee of the New Civil Procedural Code, which came into force in October 2018, a task for which he has been honored by the Costa Rican Bar Association and the Supreme Court of Justice for his outstanding participation and valuable contribution to the country.

As a partner at Hulbert Volio – Parajeles law firm, he led the Litigation Department as a specialist in Civil and Commercial Law. He dedicated himself to providing personalized advice on complex processes of declaratory actions, judicial collection, successions, interdicts, evictions, lease claims, and enforcement of judgments. Everything related to real rights, obligations, and commercial law. (2013-2017).

Together with María José Parajeles Blandón, they founded Parajeles Law Firm, which in 2018 joined forces as a Legal Group with NCC Abogados, today NCC Parajeles, being one of its main practice areas litigation in various fields of Law, with Dr. Parajeles as the director specializing in civil and commercial processes of our legal consortium.

Motivated by his empathy, experience, and passion for teaching, Dr. Gerardo Parajeles has special skills to achieve assertive communication, develop a deep case study, and design a legal strategy to pursue a viable and efficient solution for our clients, always based on procedural values such as good faith and loyalty to the parties of the process and absolute respect for the Law.

As a member of the Drafting Committee of the New Civil Procedural Code and other laws, former judicial official, university professor, trainer, etc., he is fully capable and willing to assist on the following topics:

  1. Civil (Ordinary, Summary, Successions, Interdicts, Bankruptcy, etc.)
  2. Commercial
  3. Credit-related
  4. Arbitration processes
  5. Acquisition, execution, and negotiation of securities, real estate guarantees, personal property guarantees, etc.
  6. Conflict prevention
  7. Drafting of private contracts
  8. Negotiation in extrajudicial executions


