Our administrative contracting team has extensive experience in the preparation and participation in all types of bids, contracting with the government, public works concessions, and other forms of public-private investment, as well as in Litigation and Administrative Contention Processes:

  • Common or Knowledge Process
  • Harmfulness Process
  • Preferential Process
  • Pure Right Process
  • Direct Judgment Process
  • Cumulative Process
  • Special Processes
    • Extension of Jurisprudence to Third Parties
    • Non-Hierarchical Appeal in Municipal Matters
    • Execution of Trial Judgments
    • Execution of judgments from the Constitutional Chamber
    • Execution of Firm Administrative Acts
  • Expropriations
  • Interdict of Protection
  • Legality Protection
  • Cautious Measures

Administrative Contracting

  • Public Tender
  • Abbreviated Tender
  • Prequalified Tender
  • Direct Contracting
  • Public Trusts
  • Framework Agreements
  • Low Bid Auction
  • Auction
  • Direct Contracting

Subjects of private law, a system that is the responsibility of the municipalities where such properties are located and have special restrictions.

There is a special law called the Maritime Terrestrial Zone Law that regulates this economic activity, its vicissitudes, as well as its restrictions, requirements, and exceptions to application.

Can a foreigner lease properties in the Maritime Terrestrial Zone? It is one of the most frequent questions. Contact us and we will be happy to advise you.

Another topic related to concessions is that of Public Works Concessions in their different modalities, whereby, through a pre-established procedure, the offer of a private initiative to the State is accepted to achieve a mixed public-private investment and achieve the development of a specific public service.

In a small country with limited resources for investment in public works construction, Public Works Concessions become an efficient mechanism to achieve the construction of projects – country.

Services such as airport services, schools, hospital services, docks, telecommunications, and energy can be concessioned, and it is a system that has worked very well in our country.

We have participated as a legal firm in various projects under this modality and have professionals trained to advise you, from the offering of the private initiative to the State, to the presentation of offers in the respective tenders, construction, contracts with the State, and the development and expansion of projects of this nature.
