
Litigation is one of the strong arms of NCC Parajeles.

We litigate with open ethics and absolute preparation and dedication in the following fields of Law:

Civil and Commercial Law

  • Simple and complex declaratory processes
  • Arbitrations
  • Succession Processes
    • Testamentary processes for open and closed wills
    • Wills
    • Mixed processes
    • Notarial Succession Process
  • Summary eviction processes
  • Lease price adjustment
  • Possessory Interdicts
  • Summary suspension of new construction
  • Summary demolitions
  • Money Monitorio processes (Judicial Collection)
  • Lease Monitorio processes (Evictions for non-payment and other evictions)
  • Incidental processes
  • Execution processes of unfulfilled judgments and conciliation agreements
  • Mortgage execution processes
  • Execution processes of pledges
  • Execution processes of movable guarantees
  • Payment by consignment processes
  • Boundary and surveying processes
  • Declaration processes of absence
  • Declaration processes of death

Registry Processes
Civil and Commercial Litigation Topics in which we have participated over the past 25 years:

  • Corporate Law
  • Sale of commercial establishments
  • Negotiable instruments
  • Securities
  • Litigation in complex business transactions
  • Civil and commercial obligations
  • Local, international, maritime, air, land transportation of people and goods.
  • Representation of foreign companies International distribution contracts
    • Exclusive and non-exclusive distribution contracts
    • Typical and atypical commercial contracts
  • Related to trusts
  • Credit assignments
  • Loans
  • Deposits
  • Pledges
  • Edition contracts
  • Current account contracts
  • Partition account contracts
  • Banking contracts and relationships with Public and Private Banking
  • Bankruptcies, Processes for Administration by Judicial Intervention and Preventive Agreements of Creditors.
  • Declarations of Absence and Presumption of Death
  • Property and Horizontal Property Issues
  • Intellectual Property
  • Registry Law
  • Obligations
  • Civil Leases
  • Mandates
  • Donations
  • Conciliations
  • Transactions

Criminal Law

  • Defense in simple and complex criminal law matters

*Our firm does not handle criminal proceedings related to Organized Crime, Sexual Offenses, or Human Rights violations.

Administrative Law

  • Litigation before the Administrative Dispute Tribunal
    • Precautionary processes
    • Summary processes
    • Knowledge processes in their various modalities
    • Penalty processesProcesses on provisions of a general nature
    • Lesividad processesPrecautionary measures
    • Incidental processes
    • Public collection matters
  • Public Employment
  • State-level collection processes
  • Administrative processes
  • Advisory and representation of Public Institutions in Litigation processes
  • Taxes
  • Full range of processes with agrarian vocation

Family Law

  • Marriages
  • Family Patrimonial Regime
  • Alimony
  • Simple and complex divorces
  • Judicial Separation
  • Paternity and Filiation
  • Parental Authority
  • Declaration of paternity and maternity
  • Custody
  • Processes for the protection of the elderly
  • Adoption ** Limited services **
  • Guardianship and Safeguarding and administration
  • Common-law marriage

Constitutional Law

  • Amparo remedies against private and public law subjects
  • Actions of Unconstitutionality

Consumer Law

  • Processes before the Consumer Ombudsman
  • Judicial proceedings on consumer issues

Labor Law

  • Public Employment
  • Private regular and special Employment.
  • Contributory Regimes and Social Security

Intellectual Property

  • Trademarks and Registration
  • Patents
  • Others