Rafael Jara





Lawyer and Notary

Rafael Jara

Rafael is a lawyer with extensive experience in notarial and registry matters.

As a Lawyer and Public Notary, he has had the opportunity to assist our clients in drafting and registering complex contracts, providing advice on registry matters as well as Civil and Commercial Law.

He held positions such as Head of Personnel Selection at the Costa Rican Commercial Registry, a branch of the National Registry, where he contributed his knowledge in creating and implementing procedures for registering public documents in civil and commercial matters. He also evaluated criteria for first and second instance administrative disputes concerning the registration of acts and contracts.

He was also responsible for quality control, evaluating registry criteria for commercial acts and contracts subject to registration in the Registry of Legal Entities.

Throughout his professional career, he has continuously trained in commercial and civil matters and is a loyal collaborator with our clients on issues related to his specialties.


  • English and Spanish.