
Our country is undergoing a process of modification and implementation of a tax system that brought about a radical change in National tax policy starting from July 2019.

Both legal entities and individuals taxpayers are facing an adaptation process to the new tax policies, as the new regulations mark a before and after in tax compliance since the mentioned reform.

The implementation of new taxes, the modification and repeal of taxes that previously governed in the National Territory, compel the civilian and business population to restructure their service policies and tax structure to efficiently meet obligations.

We have a team of professionals dedicated to continuous study of public policies and guidelines of tax administration, to advise our clients aiming to achieve the least impact of the tax burden in accordance with applicable regulations and in strict compliance with the Law.

Today, all active and inactive companies must declare Value Added Tax and income tax, even if their level of economic activity does not make them taxpayers of those taxes. The same applies to individuals who must now comply with a series of new regulations that modify tax obligations that were in place until recently.

The creation of the capital gains tax requires us to properly structure the economic behavior of all investments that make up the assets of companies and private individuals, in order to minimize tax liabilities according to regulations.

Furthermore, this tax will revolutionize real estate investments in Costa Rica, as it necessitates a change in investment policies and how those investments are recorded.

Our experts will advise you on the application and compliance of the various tax burdens prevailing in the country and will collaborate with you or your companies to achieve significant savings in your tax obligations.
